05 October 2008

Little Miss Tougleton reached the year-and-a-half mark over the weekend, and to celebrate, she ... kissed a cow?

Seemingly not ones to ever stay put for more than a day or two, we headed over to the western side of Maine on Saturday to visit the Fryeburg Fair.

Having lived in this part of Maine from 2001 to 2007, it is always with a bit of nostalgia that we return. The fair is a large annual event that we have always enjoyed and we looked forward to someday sharing it with our kids.

Below are some photos from both the fair as well as some from our old house there that Tougy visited for the first time over the weekend, though before we get to that, we thought we would give you a sneak peak into the first contender for Tougy's first halloween costume.

KJ found this cow online(One Step Ahead) and as soon as we showed it to Tougy, we knew we had a home run. She loved it as you can see. In fact we have since worn just the hood around from time to time.

Of course even Tougy knows that cows don't really stand up and so it was necessary to get down on all fours to view herself as a proper cow.

Our bovine princess.

The cow costume was waiting in the mail when we came home from the fair otherwise I feel quite certain it would have been her fair going outfit. She would have made quite a statement walking through the barns as a cow.

This was Tougy's first up and close with a cow and so it of course necessitated an introductory kiss. She loved the boisterous Moo's that real cows make - so much more emphatic a noise than daddy's imitation suggests.

As is customary with all faces, it was necessary to point out all the features that Tougy knows. The game goes something like this: Where is the cows nose? Where are the cows teeth? ...

I can't imagine the stomach ache the goats have at the end of the day, but then again they are goats. In the children's area is a barn where each child is given a small cup of feed and set free amid a group of goats and sheep.

After several hours of this, finding a goat that is still interested in your food can be a difficult task. Thankfully Tougy eventually found a willing stomach to play along and her game began.

Every animal gets a hug and a kiss in Tougy's world. People may not always be so lucky.

The animals and the people watching were fun, but what our little girl really was interested in was the rides. Although most of the roller coaster type rides were height dependent, fortunately for Tougy, the cars and trucks were not.

Where this fascination will lead us in the future I don't know, but you put a wheel in front of our little Aitugan, and the world is made right in an instant. A quick adjustment of the mirrors and she was off.

For some of the rides, KJ was right beside her, but as the truck cab wasn't big enough for an adult, Tougy had the controls all to herself. Ooh the power.

The anticipation of the start of the ride was nearly as fun as the ride itself.

Though as soon as the ride was over came the gesture for more...

followed a few seconds later by immediate cries of misery as her calls for more go unanswered.

So now we are at our old house, and this is in fact the very first apple ever eaten from the selection of fruit trees we planted as saplings several years ago. During our time there, they had never been mature enough to fruit, but here on this visit were two good sized apples. To my surprise it was great tasting.

KJ and I were married out front of the house upon this very rock and the cairn of stones remains set upon it from that event. We had always wanted a chance to bring Tougy here for a photo - so thankfully the house still has not sold ;).

Like the rock, this tree was part of our wedding ceremony as we had our guests assist us in its planting. It is certainly not the same small tree it was then. Life moves on.

Yes, Tougy loves the phone. Anything even remotely similar to a phone warrants an attempt to talk to Nonna, Mor Mor or Mimi.

And so this is it. We would like to say welcome home to Steve and Jane who brought their daughter Jem home from Astana this past week and also congratulations to the Serra family who are just days away now from flying home with their daughter Leeza from Kostanai.

It has been a pleasure following both of your journeys and we hope to be heading over to either Astana or Kostanai sometime in 2009 for either a brother or sister for Tougy. Take Care.


Trudi said...

Thank you giving me such joy today. Tougie is incredible and these pictures just capture her beauty, her spark and her essence. And if she isn't just the CUTEST thing going as she preens in the mirror, I don't know what is.

Anonymous said...

cowwwwww thats so cute

Kim said...

GO SOX!!!!!!!

Love the costume, Josh is going to be a monkey. My indecisive four year old is deciding between a dinosaur and a knight. Oh to be 4!

kazmama said...

I found the link to your blog and it is amazing! One because of your beautiful photography, two because you are in Boothbay and we are in Bar Harbor, three because we spend a lot of time in BB since husband designed the CMBG and four because we also have a kazakh cutie (ours is age 11 now)! We would love to meet your family sometime when we are in BB. Please send your email/phone and we will try to reach you next time we are there!

kazmama said...

Oh I forgot to mention, LOVE those shots in the meditation garden sipping from the basin!

kazmama said...

here is our email
alicia, bruce and saida

Karen said...

Tougie makes an adorable cow—and such a little sweetie hugging that sheep. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

We love to watch the adventure unfold, but feel that half way across the country will be plenty close enough in about 14 years when all that power gets behind the wheel of a BIG pickup!
Max & Rosalie

kitzkazventure said...

I never get tired of reading the adventures of Tougy and living them thru your great pics. Thanks for keeping us included in the journey!

Our Family of Bloggers said...

Unquestionably the cutest little cow in the world! Absolutely love the costume. The festival looks like so much fun. Thanks for including the pouting picture- I was starting to wonder if Tougy was always smiles! :-)
We are very into "driving" in our house too, so if Rylie knew that Tougy got to drive all of those trucks, I imagine I'd have a very jealous little girl in my house!

Matthew Ruley said...

She is gorgeous - you can tell she has a gentle heart.

marsrob said...

GREAT photos! T is growing up so fast! Wow. She looks older already. And so beautiful. Love the cow outfit! We still cannot figure out what Aila is going to be. And she, too, likes all things to use as telephones!

Love to you all.

Carolyn Tarpey said...

Hi Steve, KJ and Tougy,

How great it has been to watch your beautiful story unfold from the sidelines. Thank you for sharing so openly with us outsiders looking in. You are an incredible photographer, that almost no words are needed to tell us about Tougy's wonderful life in Maine.
I came across your blog last spring and realized you were in Kaz at the same time I was last Oct/ Nov '07. I adopted my son Henry from Uralsk and he is just a bit older then Tougy, he will turn 2 at the end of January.
Stephanie Karp and I are very good friends and she always specks so highly of you, so I thought I should stop by and say hello.
Thanks again for all the great Tougy updates, I always love checking in.

Take care,
Carolyn Mama to Henry B-1.22.07 A-11.07.07


Maegan and Tony Van Sant said...

The picture with Tougy screaming... Tony and I saw it and said to ourselves "Her and Tay look alike!" Seriously... I am not kidding. Their facial structure is really similar.

Miss you guys!

Susan said...

I LOVE your updates so much. I love Tougie's cow costume. My mom sent Leeza one-it's a dog costume that resembles our dog, Miles, a big white fluffy labradoodle. I wonder if she'll wear it. She pitches such a fit getting dressed, and even worse putting on a snowsuit, so i'm afraid a dog costume may put her over the edge....

Maybe Tougie, being a few months older can talk to her about the proper way for a lady to act!!

I love her in the trucks, then "on the phone"...what a girl!!

Your old home is so pretty-and how cool to see the tree you planted on your wedding and to go back with your daughter.

I am hoping that you come to Kostanai to bring home kiddo number 2...just because I love it here so much and I know you will too!! However, you may feel the same way about Astana from bringing home your lil stunner!

we are really enjoying the company of Kelly and Doug, and Natasha and am so glad that thanks to blogs-we hooked up!!

I can't wait to continue to see your gorgeous lil girl and to see her bro or sis too!

i love her long hair. It's hard to imagine Leeza ever having that much hair, but looking back, it has grown a lot in 10 weeks, so I sometimes wonder if she'll look like lil Alia Robinson? Time will tell...

I love your photography and your daughter. :)Oh, and you and KJ are nice too.

thank you for all your support on the joureny to Leeza-not we just gotta her home. Today was a very crabby day-her face looked like Tougy's face when it was time to get off the truck..ALL DAY LONG., except for when she took her first 3 steps, that is. :)

Anonymous said...

please come visit i miss that little pumpkin!!!!... and well you too kinda...