27 November 2008

Tougy would like to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving.

Just as a step back in time, I thought I would put a few photos up from last Thanksgiving. At that time, we had finished our 15-day Bonding Period and were awaiting our court date, and as you can see, Aitugan was already a wonderful and beautiful, though much smaller version of herself. She could crawl well, but was still a ways from taking her first steps. She also had wonderful hair, as many of you will remember, that stood straight up on top and gave her a very dramatic presence. The hair lays down now, though the rebel is still alive inside of her.

Take Care.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Tougie, Stephe, K.J.
Tougie grew so much from her first photos!
Love you Torrie and Emma and Scott :-)

Anonymous said...

and Phoebe

Lisa and Thal said...

What a blessed year last year was and may the next be even better. Thanks so much for all of your posts. When you were in Kaz we were starting our process and I so appreciated keeping up with your journey. We leave 1/9.

Jennifer said...

Happy Thanksgiving you guys! She's growing up so fast. It's amazing!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving! She is a charmer...

We're looking forward to seeing you all in person. Life is almost on a normal streak!

Hope to connect in person soon!

Our Family of Bloggers said...

Happy Thanksgiving! While we will forever have wonderful memories of our last year's Thanksgiving together, I'm sure glad we're all home this year. Amazing to see what a difference a year makes- though I will say Aitugan has always had that same sparkle in her eyes!
Hugs to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Thanksgiving greetings! LOVE THOSE PICTURES! We are celebrating a day late north of Waco. You might be interesting in looking at homesteadcraftfair.com. It is a very interesting place.
Max and Rosalie Deethardt

Stephanie and Gary said...

happy thanksgiving! love the new photos of your stunning girl. Love the beautiful kitchen lighting ;-)
Try a piece of black velvet backdrop in the kitchen -- you'll have a built in studio!
Stephanie K

Maegan and Tony Van Sant said...

She is more gorgeous everythime we see her! Love you guys! Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Alexa is reading this with me and tells me she is jealous of Tougie's hair ;-) Happy Holidays to you!

Kim said...

What a difference a year makes! Great photos. Happy Thanksgiving!


marsrob said...

The transformation is remarkable - she was sooo cute then but her beauty is absolutely shining through as she becomes a LITTLE GIRL! No more baby! Boohoo!!!

Susan said...

I love the pics comparing the 2 years with her...what an amazing transformation-from a cute lil baby to a stunning gorgeous toddler...but her face remains the same...and her vibrant spirit has only flourished in Maine!

I so enjoy your blog and your photo's....you're the best!!!

Happy Happy happy Holidays Morrison family!!

Much love-
The Serra's :)

Trudi said...

Well, that first photo is a knockout, as is your sweetie pie.
I so clearly remember the photos from last year -- how your child has thrived in your love. She is one special spirit but I really, really wish you could stop her from growing so darned fast!

Regina said...

She really has changed so dramatically from a cute baby to a stunning toddler. Yes, I remember seeing that priceless hair sticking straight up last year, and remember you wondering when it would reach its tipping point. :-)

I hope you guys had a fabulous Thanksgiving and continue to enjoy this magical time of year with your Tougie.

Akabah said...

Just stumbled across your blog- what beautiful photos you have. And what a gorgeous daughter, who in some strange way reminds me very much of my daughter, adopted from Taiwan last year. Take care, and good luck to you all! - Anna