28 November 2007

It looks like we can add water to the list of things she likes!

I had to sit out today's visit with a cold, but hopefully won't miss too many more days. As KJ was by herself with Aitugan, there was not much opportunity for photos during the visit, but as you can see, KJ got quite a treat when at the end of the visit, Aitugan was given a bath.

From all accounts, she loves bath time. I know how excited this makes KJ, as she has always hoped that our daughter would enjoy swimming at the YMCA when we get home.

I am simply giddy to think that she can grow up a water baby, spending her summers in Boothbay out sailing on 'Kazmosis', the Rhodes 18 she doesn't even know she has.

One step at a time I know, but a dad can dream. Take Care.


Matthew Ruley said...

What a great laugh - what fun! Makes me want to jump in the water too. She is beautiful!

Jaimie, Gena and Berik said...

Super shots of bathtime! It's great to have a waterbaby, we do and we love it. Thanks for the directing us to Sara and Adam as we made our conncection with the translator and all is well. Thanks again. Gena Lloyd

Sam said...

HOW SWEET!!! what a little chunk she is...she is so precious!!!!!

Kim said...

What a great treat to be able to watch them give her a bath! What great pictures!


Susan said...

what an adorable picture!!
She is so sweet.

Karen said...

What a fun little girl you have there. It's also been fun keeping up with you on a daily basis. Thanks.

Feel better!