24 December 2007

What better time to make a trip up the gondola to the top of a scenic mountain than during a snowstorm.

You know you've arrived when you realize you now share common experiences with the likes of Steven Segall and Gerard Depardieu

At some point during everyone's experience here in Kazakhstan, you just have to stop asking why and accept it for what it is - in this case, the Beatles in life sized glory, albeit a little underdressed.

These shots are all from our outing to Kok Tobe on the 23rd with Jennifer, Marshall and Aila. It is now the evening of the 24th, and we are on track to leave in the morning to fly home.

Our interview at the embassy - our last bit of official business of the adoption process - went smoothly this morning and now we are getting ready to head down to a Christmas Eve dinner with the Robinson's. We have been so fortunate to share so much time with them all these last several days and look forward to getting together once we all settle back home.

I will try to get on after dinner and post a few more photos and make one last entry before we hop on our flights tomorrow. Take Care.


Sandi said...

Your photos are amazing. They immediately tell a story. I hope you enjoy your Christmas Eve dinner with the Robinsons, and how wonderful that you will be flying home on Christmas day, a day to remember.

Safe travels..

Trudi said...

Steve, once again your photography leaves me breathless. You capture the moments as though you were a well-seasoned professional photographer with a journalistic eye. So glad you can spend Xmas eve with our family - have a wonderful flight home!

Anonymous said...

Between your fantastic photographs and Marshall's beautiful writing, I see a book collaboration in the works!!
Merry Christmas,

Monica said...

Beautiful! All of it is just beautiful... your words and especially your daughter! I love the picture with Aitugan hanging upside down with her tongue out!!!

Wishing you safe travels home!
Take care,

Karen said...

What a wonderful way to end an amazing journey. You'll have to publish your beautiful photos in a coffee book some day.

Safe journey home and Merry Christmas,