23 February 2009

Once again I have put photos up and left them without any commentary for far too long. It is now 02 March and I am hoping that Tougy remains asleep long enough to write this.

Things her with Tougy are amazing. So much personality is emerging each and every day. She is growing so quickly and her development amazes us. Her use of language is probably the biggest change. She routinely uses 5-7 word constructions now to express herself with things such as "Mommy make these, Tougy Like" and "Goldfish not for Bobo and Daouda(our dogs), goldfish just for Tougy". As I think is common, she most often refers to herself as Tougy except when declaring things "mine".

Of note recently is that she has moved out of her crib and into a toddler bed. She seems to love the new independence and has done quite well with staying in her bed - though it did take a few nights.

Her latest love is her legos. She loves to build houses and trucks and trains. She is really quite adept at putting them together, and you see her comprehension of balance, symmetry and structure coming together. I love this as Legos were a part of my childhood and it is fun to play with them still.

Still nothing new on the second adoption front. Our paperwork is in Kaz at the MFA. Still thinking that this summer looks most likely for travel, though this can change.

The recent photos are from a quick trip down to Marblehead, MA to spend the weekend with friends of ours and their 3 children(William 6, Molly 4 and Adelyn 20mo). The kids were great with Tougy and of course Tougy followed Molly around everywhere. As you see in the photos, Tougy even had a chance to ride a pedal bike for the first time and did remarkably well.

As for life in Maine, well we are sure ready for spring. We had another 10-12 inches since yesterday and the snowbanks are still huge. I want grass and blue sky. Soon hopefully.

Tougy and Molly


Addy and Tougy spend some time in the double stroller

Tougy and KJ climb about on the breakwater in Marblehead. Tougy loves exploring on rocks.

KJ and her Mini-Me walk along a waterfront park in Marblehead. Tougy is so confident in everything she does. I love it.

A crashed out Addy and Tougy being pushed by Kerrie as we make our way back through town on a beautiful but cold afternoon.

Our little girls. Addy is two months younger than Tougy.

Tougy's weekend hero Molly.

William who by now has likely lost that front tooth.

A lunch of blueberries and cheese. Two of Tougy's favorite things.

Will testing out his tough guy pose.

Tougy riding her first pedal bike. She really love it ad did surprisingly well in keeping her feet positioned correctly.

Will coming down the slide head first.

Tougy after her own head first adventure.


Molly talking through a Seuss-like underground pipe/speaker to her brother on the other side of the playground.

Tougy coming down the slide.

We got back to Maine just as the snow was beginning, and by morning we had this. A new foot of heavy sticky snow. This storm caused lots of power outages and tree damage, though it sure was pretty from inside the house. Here is the backyard and Pond.

And here is a view of the shop and driveway. So this was a storm a week ago, and today comes a new 10 inches. Will it ever end! Take Care.


marsrob said...

Beautiful children.

McMary said...

Wow--Aitugan is so beautiful--so are the other kids.

Kristan and Mark said...

She looks so grown up in the picture where she and KJ are walking in their matching jackets.

I just framed one of my favorite pictures ever. It's one you took of my son Tanner at Kazapalooza.

Susan said...

your blog is totally like a work of art..I feel like I need to be charged admission. :)

What adorable kiddo's-and of course you captured their spirit in your art. Amazing!

Love how Tougy is so confident and so coordinated and smart! Look at her pedaling that trike and hiking on the rocks!! I love it!
I have to say it again-but is it not INCREDIBLE how perfect she is for you guys? Especially since your journey took some unexpected turns and then you met your daughter...and she is a Morrison THRU AND THRU! It seriously makes me cry! I know you "get" what i'm feeling as i am sure you feel it daily.
I look at lil Leeza and feel the same exact way.

I cannot wait to walk 60 miles with KJ and hear tons of Tougy stories.

Way to go on the toddler bed. I hope Leeza stays in her crib forever and ever. :)

Kostanai in the summer is a great time to go. I hope you go there. :)
i can tell you all the great places to eat and even have Tatiana show ya'll around. :)

God love you Morrison's!

Stephanie and Gary said...

Gorgeous photos! I'd been waiting for a batch of inspiration. I agree with another comment -- that photo of KJ and Tougy walking, Tougy looks like a little lady of about 5 years old, with a hint of the bigger girl to come. I love the one of Tougy and Adelyn sleeping on each other. And love the first image of Tougy huggy Molly with Molly slightly out of focus, and love the colors of the one of Tougy eating her blueberries and cheese. Great evocative images, as always!

Patrick & Eileen said...

Aitugan has sure grown! She's so adorable. I agree....beautiful photos like works of art. Always a joy to see the latest.


Unknown said...

Love the pictures and loved seeing you all on your surprise visit a little while ago. Tougy truly does amaze with her confidence and cuteness. She is a treat!

Regina said...

She is making such amazing progress. Language is so exciting to watch develop? And a Lego artist too? What a brilliant girl!

The photos really capture the chidren's beauty perfectly. I'm sure Steve's images quickly become treasured keepsakes for your friends and family. (The snow photos are pretty too -- very serene.)

I was amazed at how quickly Milo got the hang of pedaling a trike. Now he tears around at full speed, nearly tipping over when he turns a corner.

Phoebe said...

steve its been about 3 months since the last post

Ann, rottweiler dog owner said...

Stunning photos! I just love looking at them. Those pics symbolize happiness and satisfaction! Tough is so smart I bet! :)