16 January 2008

Well time has gotten away from us. Thanks for continuing to check in. Things are going great for this new family of three, though the camera has seen limited action in our new 24/7 world together.

To begin, Little Miss Aitugan has amassed a slew of new nicknames. Some will stick, some will fall by the wayside, and certainly new ones will will follow. Currently she is most often Aitugan, frequently Tougy, routinely Monkey, sometimes Tougleton, occasionally Aitutu, and errantly Bokar, Daouda, Midou or KJ.

She has been visited by KJ's parents, my father and older brother, and today my mother comes for a few days. Additionally she has made day trips to Boston, Portland (ME), and Freeport. She's had two pediatrician visits, two chiropractors visits, visited our adoption agency office, visited KJ's vet hospital (3X), gone out to eat a half dozen or so times, gone snowshoeing a number of times and has made several visits to our local YMCA.

At the Y, our courageous daughter first took place in a parent/infant swim class, and then yesterday joined gymnastics/roll around group. In every occasion Aitugan continues to demonstrate motor skill levels above her age and we are greatly encouraged by her willingness to try new things and actively engage in her new world.

Here at home she is definitely settling in very well. She continues to want to walk everywhere, though not yet unassisted. She loves to walk behind her push cart, and climb stairs. For whatever reason she seems endlessly interested in the dogs when they are eating and at every opportunity cruises over to their bowls to look in and watch them eat.

Not surprisingly, the dogs demonstrate the same level of interest in her eating - though perhaps with slightly different motivation.

Our adjustment to our new lives has continued to go well. Seemingly every hour has a moment or two where upon we find ourselves frozen in our tracks amazed, incredulous, or otherwise bewildered by something that has just happened be it a look she gives, a sound she makes, something that came out of her, or something that went in.

All this is not to suggest that these first three weeks home have been nothing but smiles, laughter and glee. There have certainly been some rougher times where we find ourselves with an irate, overtired little girl wrangling in our arms with seemingly nothing we can provide to sooth her, but thankfully these are the exceptions.

Well our little angle has awoken from her nap and so I am racing to finish this with one hand before the bottle in the other goes dry, then it's up to diaper land and back to the playroom for a while. Take Care.


Anonymous said...

Now you'll discover the joys of trying to get anything done while your little "angle" explores her world at home. Andy and I continue to be amazed at how quickly the time goes by, especially now that Sofia is completely mobile. And my typing has become creative as well, Sofia usually manages to create some impact on my editing. At this moment she is otherwise engaged so I may finish this before she gets in her thoughts. Right now she is on the trampoline. Aitugan has the joy of 3 beautiful playmates built in with your pups, some eating boundaries will most likely develop.......? Who knows where it will lead. Do the dogs eat just about everything? Sofia only has the cat to feed. She has just discovered that I am typing, time to go.

Liz and Sofia

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the update! We have been waiting and watching.
Max and Rosalie

Anonymous said...

Hello! I've been meaning to introduce myself for awhile because my husband found your blog while you were in Kaz, shared it with me, and I really enjoyed reading about your experiences and (of course!) seeing the beautiful pictures of your daughter and your trip! Thank you for allowing us to read! We are in the process of adopting our first child, and our dossier is currently at the Consulate in NY. We can't wait!

Sandi said...

Steve and KJ
Thanks for the update, those of us waiting definitely find inspiration from your blog and how things are going now that your home. Wow home for 3 weeks already that is amazing.

I am so happy things are going well.


Jennifer said...

Thanks for the update! We were missing you guys. Glad to hear all is going well. Way to go Aitugan for placing first place!! :-) Somehow that doesn't surprise any of us though after seeing all those cute water baby pictures.

3 weeks- wow! It only keeps getting better.

Kristan and Mark said...

Happy to read an update! Time can easily slip away once a baby joins the family!!

Trudi said...

Thank you for the update! It is hard when you have a baby scooting around 24/7 but it is appreciated by those of us who have become attached to your family. I got such a laugh out of Aitugan being interested in the dogs' food - she is such an interesting little one. She will be such fun to watch as she grows. What a delight!

Anonymous said...

So nice to get an update - know your lives are very busy now and your time has different priorities! We love to hear that the family is settling in and enjoying excursions.

Anonymous said...

Oops--when I "introduced myself" the other day, I was thinking my name would link to our blog. Since it obviously does not, here is our blog address so you'll know who I am! :)

Amy said...

Sounds like all is going well. So glad to hear it! Enjoy it all because before you know it you will be dancing at her wedding!! ; )

Anonymous said...

KJ and Steve, I still check your blog from time to time and love what you write and the pics of Tugy. Talk to you later. JZ