24 November 2007

Today is day 24 of our process and as of this moment we have spent a grand total of 42 hours in the company of our daughter, but until this morning had yet to ever see her sleep.

And so it was that on this fine morning, in a noisy playroom full of parents and children, that Aitugan rested peacefully on Kjersten's chest with heavy lids and expertly placed thumb for what would easily qualify as our personal record.

Being gently rocked, and with Kjersten speaking quietly into her ear, Aitugan's most obvious vital sign - the sucking sound coming from her mouth - eventually faded into an angelic calm, and, with eyes closed, our daughter drifted off in the new found safety and security of her mother's embrace.

It was a beautiful moment.

Lest we forget, today's visit was not all smiles, giggles and exuberant moments. Yes our little angel has more than her share of fussy; often flowing from laugh to cry and back again without so much as stopping to take a breath. How does she manage? I don't know.

It is all part of the magic and mystery that we all possessed once upon a time. The tempestuous, if fleeting, innocence that is the hallmark of new life. Take Care.


Jaimie, Gena and Berik said...

As usual GREAT PICTURES!! Still so cute crying and all. I just took some of Berik crying to post so that people don't get the grand illusion that it's just all roses all the time. :) Your blog is one of my favorites thanks so much for sharing. Gena Lloyd

Kristan and Mark said...

Love, love,love the pictures of the hands!! Beautiful!

We learned when we were in Kaz always to expect the unexpected. While reading your Thanksgiving story it reminded me of a day we went to a Chinese restaraunt. When we sat down we were given a European menu and told that there was no Chinese food that day as the Chinese cook was off.

Patty L said...

Beautiful photographs of a gorgeous baby! The one with her hands folded looks like a magazine cover!

Clearly, she likes to cuddle with you when she is not feeling well. I hope she feels all better soon!


kitzkazventure said...

We remember that moment well too! Even though Nick was three, it felt so good to feel him relax in my arms and succumb to sleep. A great feeling, I agree! Your pictures are just so great. You will enjoy looking at them over and over. Stay Warm! The Kitzmans

Matthew Ruley said...

What beautiful, heartwarming and heartbreaking photos. What a sweetie! Suz