22 November 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

She'll have the fish...

Being, as it was, Thanksgiving, six of us (adoptive parents) decided to go to the most expensive hotel in Astana to celebrate together having heard that they were putting on a traditional Thanksgiving spread. How wonderful, for we would not have guessed we would find Turkey and Cranberry on a menu here.

As you can see from the menu, this was not to be a casual mix of bread, bird, and berry. When first we arrived, we were seated, and given regular menus. Well this was not our hope. We then explained that we had heard of a special Thanksgiving menu and after some shuffling and back and forth to the kitchen, the special menu was presented to us.

We passed the single menu around, and after discussing the seemingly non-traditional starter courses, asked if any substitutions would be allowed, only to be told that the Chef felt that it was important to stay true to 'American history' which in his view made any deviation unacceptable.

So we talked amongst ourselves and decided that most of us would still go for the special menu (at $50+ per person), but to our incredulity, upon trying to order, had it explained that the Thanksgiving menu wasn't available on Thanksgiving.

What! How can such things be? We were then shown that - as printed on the top of the menu - Thanksgiving dinner was to be served Friday the '23th', in keeping with American history one must presume.

In the end we all ate well and agreed that, on most occasions, a good story is worth more than a good meal anyway. Take Care.


Anonymous said...

Your photos are so.ooo incredible they bring smiles on the grayest of days. What a joy to follow your blog. I can hardly wait for you all to be back in the states. We can be together NEXT Thanksgiving. And Aitugan can have her turkey and pumpkin pie!
Love to you all.

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving, I'm sure you guys miss being home, but I bet being there with Aitugan is even sweeter than pumpkin pie. My kids have taken to watching the blog with me, and they really think she is beautiful and can't wait to meet her. Kayla says anytime you need a babysitter to give her a call. Kayla also pointed out to me that when you look back at some of the first pics that you took and then at todays, you can really see how much her hair has grown. She is gonna be in pig tails in no time.
Stay safe
Love Dessie( and kids Kayla and Ryan)

Kim & Jamie said...

Happy Thanksgiving from Chicago!! She is so beautiful, and her smile is contagious! You are a beautiful family:)

Good luck at court on Monday! We will be thinking about you and can't wait to hear how everything goes! We can't wait to meet her this summer:)

Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I guess it is ok to wish it a day late as you were to have Thanksgiving meal a day late (according to OUR American heritage). How funny!! I agree -- a good story stays with you forever and the meal is gone in a flash.

What a wonderful journal you will always have of your wonderful venture to Russia. GREAT family! Enjoy the rest of your stay and good luck in court on Monday.

Jan Liljegren

Jaimie, Gena and Berik said...

Only in Kaz would Thanksgiving for America be celebrated a day late! lol! Your adventures sounded like fun though. Your next Thanksgiving will be awesome! Gena Lloyd