23 January 2008

This past week has found our little Aitugan more often sleeping and fevered than well, though we believe we are on the way to recovery now that it's source - infections in both ears - has been identified and put on notice.

Before the fever set in however, Aitugan enjoyed several days with her Nonna (my mother), and continued her stellar tradition of going anywhere and everywhere with us. After a further 6 meals out in local restaurants this week, she is becoming quite the social butterfly.

She is very engaging and has found a new fondness for waving hello and goodbye to everyone and everything - people, animals, photos and music. As one might imagine, it is incredibly endearing.

Everywhere we go, new friends sprout up. Sure she'll play coy and reserved for a moment or so, but before long it is big smiles, angelic giggles, and her own special dialog of sounds, syllables, grunts, snorts, and groans.

This weekend we are off to Florida for four days of family, friends, sun, green grass, and of course, sea and sand.

We'll spend Friday night with my step mother, then be joined saturday afternoon by my father for the rest of the weekend. Also, our dear friends Winston and Caroline arrive Saturday morning with their son Charles.

We last saw WInston and Caroline at their wedding in Atlanta a couple years ago and, having both begun families through adoption since then (Charles was a domestic adoption), have eagerly sought a time to come together again.

As it happens, Charles and Aitugan are just two weeks apart in age and, as they have been with him since birth, Caroline and Winston have become a valuable resource to us in our process to become parents and to care for Aitugan's needs.

Hopefully the weather and flights will cooperate and we will come back next week with numerous photos and stories of our time together.

Soon all of this 'honeymoon' time with Aitugan and both of her parents home all day will come to an end as KJ is set to return to work on 04 Feb. It will be a rough time for all. But for now, we plow ahead at full speed. Take Care.


Karen, Glenn, Allie, Max, and Sam said...

That's it, it's time for you to drop everything and start teaching all new parents how to photograph their children. :-) We continue to be awestruck by the beauty of your photos. And, given that we are very partial to our own fur babies, we are especially overwhelmed at how touching the pics are with the pooches. We know you are busy being new parents, but know that we are out here totally digging your photos and loving the ability to still be included in your journey. Continued best wishes.

Kim said...

Oh my goodness that picture of Aitugan and your dog is beautiful! It gives me the chills. What a gift you have for photography.

Matthew Ruley said...

You take the greatest photos! We wanted to take good pics of our child/ren, so we purchased a Nikon D40X, and some of the lenses you mentioned, and I'm learning how to take pics. That is a fantastic camera. I know yours works magic but it was "too much" camera for us.

Where in FL are you going? Will you be near Tampa? Email me if you will, that's where we live and there is a whole tampa crew of waiting families. ruley@tampabay.rr.com

Julian and Sara said...

Beautiful pics! We especially love the sleeping dogs. I can't help but think of the "Good Dog, Carl" books!

Anonymous said...

While KJ might not agree...I am very excited to see her comeing back to work.
Be safe on your trip...and enjoy the slightly warmer weather.

Sandi said...

Your pictures are breathtaking, they truly tell a story. The one of Aitugan and the dog is wonderful but the most precious her sleeping with KJ.

Have a blast in Florida, the weather has been great here in Orlando.


Ginny said...

I'll echo everyone else - those are some seriously beautiful pictures. We're going to try and stand near you in Chicago this summer in hopes you get a good picture of my kids!
Florida sounds wonderful - can't wait to see the pictures.

Amy said...

Wow...so good to see and read the update! Glad to hear all is well with you both and Aitugan!! Have a great vacation!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful time. I just love your photos. You take great pictures and your little was is so adorable.

Beckie (mom to Lana from Semey)

Anonymous said...

Your photos are terrific! I look forward to them with each update! Kj, you look so peaceful with your beautiful girl...enjoy every minute as they while away so fast that you'll blink and she'll be in middle school! That's what's happening to me! You are both blessed! Enjoy your sweet girl!
Take care, have a wonderful trip and know that you and your family are surely missed here in Fryeburg!

Jennifer said...

Love the photos as usual! I'm glad Aitugan is feeling better- ear infections are no fun as Gigi has had her share too! Your posts bring me so much joy as you all have just jumped into life with both feet. Have fun in Florida!

Kristy said...

Love the update, I was going through Aitugan withdrawl :)

Karen said...

Sorry to hear your little one has been under the weather—but I'm sure the warm Florida sun will make her feel all better.

Amazing photos—one day when Aitugan grows up, she'll marvel at these incredible images of herself. Keep clicking away.

Anonymous said...

Dear KJ and Steve and Aitugan
I had to ask our Belgian friend about your blog address because I lost it.
Anyway, we were thrilled to see all these pictures of your lovely daughter.
It was great to see the orphanage, the doctors (allthough ...), the Hyatt in Almaty and its amazing buffets, the swimmingpool over there and so much more. We even recognized the beautifull jacket that Aitugan was wearing the day she left the orphanage (it came from Mothercare, no ?).

We had a great, unforgettable time together with you and we are very thankfull for it.

You can see some recent pictures of Anna-Lina on our blog. Just like Aitugan, she changed a lot.
We are extremely happy with her (the 3 of us !)
Big kiss from Miki and big hug from us !
Heidi and Stefan and Miki and Anna-Lina xxxx

Regina said...

Mindblowingly beautiful.

Thanks for the fix. ;-)